Sunday 23 September 2012

Weekly Update!

Self-Indulgence & Tea

I seem to have packed quite a lot in this week, which has been fun! On Monday I picked up my new car, woo! and then I worked as normal. On Tuesday I went shopping at The Lowry with my mum, originally for a Karen Millen coat, but seen as their outlet had closed, I made do with a few other purchases instead. I got a mink coloured leather skirt for £3, and a really nice yellow dress with a cream lace back for £7, as well as some cards and some perfume just for during the day time. In the evening Aum and I made Toffituff (see previous post for recipe), and then on Wednesday I went for a few drinks in Bloom with Hana, Abi and Tasha which was nice. I was driving, but still had a couple of small spritzers so I didn't feel too left out.

On Thursday I treated myself to a little present in the form of a Molly Brown necklace, as they were on sale in Plum in Hale. I got the chain with a lime green jellybean, and the whole thing was £28.50, which I thought was very reasonable. Afterwards I took Aum to the Cake Gallery, where I had a pot of tea and a slice of Bounty cake, which was amazing. In the evening I went for a gorgeous meal at Danilo's with all the girls. We shared a couple of garlic breads, one with cheese and one with tomato, and then I had a half portion of the cannelloni for my main. We shared a big carafe of wine and had a good giggle and catch up. I was feeling pretty rubbish earlier in the week, but Thursday definitely perked me up!

On Friday I had a couple of the guys I went to Benicassim with round to mine as I had a free house for the weekend. Although I bought quite a few spirits, I honestly wasn't expecting to drink them all, but we did, and so for my shift on Saturday I felt pretty rough, despite having a full cooked breakfast before I started!

After my shift I went to my friend's leaving party (see next post) and then on Sunday after a lazy morning, I drove into Manchester to meet Laura (my friend who used to live in Paris) and her fiancĂ© Dickon, as they had been to a Bridal Fayre there. We had a cup of tea in the cafe in Harvey Nichols, which was surprisingly reasonable, and then I had to run back to the car in the pouring rain as I had left my umbrella in there. Overall, a delightful week!

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