Sunday 16 September 2012

Weekly Update!

A Boring Week, & Messy Night! 

This week has been a mixed week as usual. It started off really boring apart from the fact that I bought a new car on Tuesday, woop! I pick it up tomorrow, so am super excited for that. I went to Costa on Monday for lunch with Hana and Abi (practically becoming a habit) and went to the cafe in M&S for a cake and tea on Weds with Abi as well. I never go in M&S, but to be fair, the cafe is really nice, and much cheaper than a lot of the high street competitors.

On Thursday evening I went for drinks with Mike in Altrincham. We started in Wetherspoons for a few cheap ones, then went to The Green Room in Goose Green for a couple of nicer, slightly more expensive ones! I was in bed by half twelve though so it wasn't a mental one for a weeknight. Friday was similarly boring as early on in the week, I stayed in  and packed ready to go to Lancaster.

I went for a nice run in the morning on Saturday before I worked, and then I drove to Lancaster after I had finished at 5.30pm. I got ready and then my friend Weronika came to my house to have a few predrinks. We got a taxi to a new club/ bar called Lost at about half ten, and had a couple of drinks in there. It was really dead, and one of the cocktails I had was DISGUSTING, but it was quite a cool place - don't know how well it will do in Lancaster though. At about midnight we decided to move onto Revs, and by then my friend Hendo was out as well so we met up with him. The night gets blurry from there! 

I woke up the following morning with grazes all over my face and knees, stolen signs in my living room, and a very empty bottle of gin in the kitchen! With help from Hendo and Michael who stayed at my house, I pieced together the evening, but it didn't sound like I was the most elegant or sober of people... It was fun though, and I drove home at 5.30pm today after I had sobered up!

This evening I went to Yara with the parents and Jasmine for a meal - not that I could stomach much. It was my treat as a belated 25th wedding anniversary present to my parents, so at least I saved some money by not eating a lot! We got sharing starters including a greek salad, goats cheese parcels and houmous with pitta bread, and then I shared a chicken dish with my mum which had aubergine, tomatoes and onion in. The little I ate was really nice!

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