Wednesday 19 September 2012

Homemade Recipes!


This is a really simple recipe that originates from one my grandma used to use when we were kids. Although it is very similar, I never actually got hers written down, but it basically the same, and makes about 8 squares.

First of all, the main thing to remember with this is that all the measurements are equal, so as long as you make sure you put the same amount of everything in, it's going to work. As a standard, I'd use 100g butter, 100g of marshmallows and (you guessed it) 100g of toffees, obviously unwrapped!

In a large pan, melt all these ingredients together on a low heat, being careful not to burn anything (burnt toffee is a nightmare to clean!). When the mixture is of a smooth consistency and everything has melted, turn the heat off, but leave the pan on the ring. This is just to ensure that the mixture doesn't cool too quickly and make it difficult for you to put it into the  setting dish.

Gradually add rice crispies to the mixture, constantly stirring, making sure all of them get covered in the melted goo. It is hard to give an amount to add, it just needs to be enough to absorb all of the mixture, so that if you go to tip it into the serving dish, there is none of the substance running away!

The dish should be a square, for the measurements I have given I would say of about 8x8 inches, greaseproof lined and buttered up. Spoon the mixture into the dish and attempt to make it reach all the edges and have a flat top. A trick is to heat the spoon so that the sticky mixture doesn't gloop everywhere. It doesn't really have to look neat, this is a pretty rustic treat, and accuracy doesn't reflect on the taste!

Pop it into the fridge for about half an hour, and then cut it with a sharp knife into squares (or, indeed, whatever shape you like). If you are feeling extra adventurous, you could melt chocolate and pour this over the top before cutting, and put it back into the fridge to set so that the toffituff is extra indulgent. Enjoy!

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