Sunday 2 September 2012

Weekly Update!

Gusto, Golf & Girly drinks!

This week definitely benefited from the day off on Monday for the bank holiday! I had a lie in and then met up with all the girls and Smeed for lunch at Gusto in Knutsford. I had baked avocado with scallops for starter, and then pasta primavera with chicken for main. Afterwards we went back to Hana's for coffee and chocolate cake, and then I worked at the pub in the evening.

On Tuesday I went to Chester Zoo (see previous post) and on Wednesday we had a lazy day doing various pre-school jobs (food shopping, getting a hair cut etc) and I had a night in after work.

On Thursday we went to the Trafford Centre and played bowling and crazy golf with Aum's friend Shaan and his sister Simran. I won one game of bowling, but lost the other horrifically! I came second in the crazy golf though which I'll accept. For lunch we went to Pizza Express, where I had the Bosca salad which was lovely - it had mushrooms, sunblush tomatoes, rocket and mozzarella in a balsamic dressing, and was served with dough sticks and a honey mustard dip. That evening I babysat until 10.30pm so went to bed when I got home.

On Friday I took Aum to Dunham Massey to go on his bike, and Hannah, Charlotte and Abi came too. We got tea and cake in the cafe which was delicious (I had cranberry and white chocolate sponge) and then Aum and I played some games in the afternoon.

In the evening I got my eyebrows tinted again and then Abi and I went for a few civilised drinks in Alty. Everyone out was about 17, and I had work the next day so we left before midnight - we were saving ourselves for Scarborough this weekend! (see next post)

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