Monday 24 September 2012

Saying Goodbye!

Hana's Leaving Party

On Saturday after work was one of my best friend's leaving parties as she is moving to Australia. Although obviously tinged with sadness, we all agreed to try to hold it together and enjoy ourselves for the event, as we still have next week to see Hana before she leaves.

We all got dressed up for it which was fun, I finally got to wear my new French Connection dress, which got a lot of compliments. We arrived at about half past seven, and the party was already in full swing, so we were promptly handed glasses of Prosecco and thrust in front of a camera for some pictures which I am excited to see next week.

There were probably about fifty people there, and it was a really good atmosphere, there was lots of gorgeous food (especially dessert) and Hana's brother and stepdad both gave brilliant speeches which made a few of us get teary! Afterwards we went into the garden to let off some helium balloons that had a lovely message written on them, all down to Hana's mum, which I think was a great idea and really original.

At about midnight, the young 'uns wandered into Hale to Suburbia for some more booze and a spot of dancing. I managed to wangle half price entry for all the girls, a good job when it is a pricey tenner each, but once we were inside it was well worth it as it was busy and had some good tunes on. We all left at different times, but I got home at about half 2, so not too bad compared to the lateness of some nights out! 

It was a really great send off for Hana, it is just a shame she has to leave us at all!

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