Sunday 9 September 2012

Weekly Update!

Lounging & Lockins!

This post will be a fairly short one, as not only has this week flown by with not much happening, but the things that have happened I've written separate posts on so there isn't much to say!

On Monday I went to Gastronomy in Hale with Aum and the girls for a cup of tea and a chat. I'm on a new healthy eating thing to recover from the lack of exercise/ excessive eating out I have been doing whilst Aum has been off school, so I resisted not only a cake there, but also a Mcdonald's when I took Aum there for lunch, I was very proud.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed by quickly, I had my hair cut on Weds finally, and then had Charlotte and Abi round to mine in the evening. I cooked us chicken casserole with roast potatoes and veg for tea. Abi made some lovely raspberry cupcakes too which were appreciated!

On Thursday after a mad rush after work, I just about made it to a live streaming of The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime, which was amazing (see previous post), and on Friday I went to see Anna Karenina with my mum at the cinema as I was doing a review of it for Candid Magazine (article coming soon!).

On Saturday I finished at 2.30pm at the pub for a change. This was because I was supposed to be going to Nottingham with Abi, but a change of plan meant we couldn't go, so we settled for a night in Manchester instead. Luckily the weather was gorgeous, so I spent the afternoon lounging in the garden, reading Vogue and drinking cider.

In the evening, we started in Odd bar in the Northern Quarter, and then went on to Keko Mokus around the corner. We had a few cocktails and shots (including the lethal Zombies!) and then stayed until 3.30am, as they let us have a lock in which was fun. 

Today I have been shopping in Stockport with mum; it was a successful trip! I got three tops, three jackets, two pairs of shoes, some underwear and some amazing maroon rubber leggings. I used up the remainder of some vouchers I had from my birthday, so only spent £63! We went for a coffee and muffin in Costa, and then headed home, where I mooched around hungover until the evening when we had a roast dinner. Not a bad week in the end!

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