Thursday 26 December 2013



Yesterday was, of course, Christmas Day, and what a great one it was this year! For the first time in forever, we all had the whole day off, and Mo spent the day with us as well. Jasmine and I had been out on Christmas Eve, so weren't too fresh in the morning, but we still managed to wake up at 9am, and open our presents on the end of Mum and Dad's bed (never too old for tradition!). Mo joined us afterwards so managed to score a lie in, and we had eggs Benedict and Bucks Fizz for breakfast.

After we had got changed into some nice clothes, we opened a present each as we were a bit pushed for time, and then went for a walk to The Old Hall in Timperley for a drink and to see some family friends. We stayed for an hour and then walked back, ready to open the rest of our presents. I got some lovely things, including a Vivienne Westwood watch, a gorgeous White Company candle and some John Lewis vouchers from my employers, makeup, money, chocolates and lots of stuff for the flat - I felt like a very lucky girl! I also got a 50s style dress apron and some silver hammered rings from Mo, and he liked his presents from me, so it was a good day all round.

After the presents we all sat down for a full Christmas dinner, this year we had gone for a four bird roast, and it was amazing! We had Christmas pudding for dessert, and then spent the evening getting drunk and playing games which were so much fun with everyone there. As we are travelling to my grandparents today we didn't stay up too late, and we were asleep by midnight. It was genuinely one of my best Christmases yet!

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