Sunday 1 December 2013

Weekly Update!

Steam Sessions & A Night In!

This week started with me taking Mum to the airport to go to Spain - pretty jealous! It was with work though, so she didn't actually get much chance to enjoy herself unfortunately. Typical that on the first day she was away we had a fault with the freezer, resulting in it defrosting, so Mo and I had a feast that night for tea!

The following day I ate at the country club, and had pan fried duck and tempura king prawns with udon noodles in a soy and sesame dressing. The duck is always fabulous there, I don't know what they do with it, because I don't even normally like duck! After work I went back and had a relaxing swim/steam session with Abi, so nice to have another friend who's a member there now.

Wednesday and Thursday were quite quiet, gymmed both days and babysat on Weds as well as getting paid. On Friday I went to Warehouse Project with a few friends (see previous post) which was a really fun night. On Saturday after a lazy hungover day at Mo's, we went to James and Kelly's house for a night in, which was really fun and definitely something I want to do more of in the future. We got a lovely Chinese takeaway, and watched Pacific Rim on their new 3D television which was awesome. Had a few drinks but nothing too heavy after the previous evening!

On Sunday we decided last minute to go out for lunch at The Moss Trooper which was really good, and then after greeting Mum back from her trip, in the evening I went back to Mo's to stay and we had toad in the hole - delish!

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