Sunday 8 December 2013

Weekly Update!

Brunch, Bags & Babysitting!

Monday started with a yoga class, which was really relaxing and chilled me out ready to get on with my week. I met Abi for brunch at the Country Club on Tuesday after doing a spinning class - I had waffles with maple syrup and summer berries, which was a lovely reward after a workout... and when I got home my new Diane Von Furstenburg handbag had arrived; officially in love!

I ate there in the evening with Aum as well, I had pan fried sea bass with a sunblush tomato and chorizo chutney and crisp basil. I didn't really know what to expect from the basil, but it was literally like hard crisps on top of the dish, pretty unusual! The sea bass was perfectly cooked and went really well with the chutney, not something I would have thought to put together.

On Wednesday I had my hair cut (see previous post) and then met Mo for a coffee, as well as staying at his in the evening. Thursday and Friday were spent babysitting, and then on Saturday after a chilled out day dying my hair, I drove to Leeds for Jasmines 21st. We predrank at hers and then went out to Control, which was lots of fun from what I can remember!

Today I have been pretty hungover, but this afternoon Mum and Dad came to meet us in Leeds and we went for a meal at Cafe Rouge (see previous post). I have just had to drive home to Mo's, which was much more of a chore when very tired! Cup of tea and an early night for me I think.

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