Saturday 7 December 2013

Makeover Week!

Hair & Nails

Unintentionally all this week, I have undergone three changes - a hair cut, a hair dye, and my nails done. The first occurred on Wednesday, and I finally bit the bullet and had about 1.5 inches lopped off. It feels really short, but is also much healthier now, the ends are no longer straggly and split, but feel bulbous and bouncy. 

I had my nails done on Thursday morning, and opted for a lovely glittery dark purple. I don't normally like the sparkly shades, but this one is quite subtle and gives a bit of Christmas cheer! I dyed my hair red again this morning, and probably thanks to the haircut, it has gone the shade I initially intended back in September, it has lost the translucency of previous attempts, and now looks lovely and glossy. Since my summer tan has definitely disappeared now, it is a great hue to compliment my uber pale winter skin tone, and I am looking forward to showing it off over the festive period!

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