Monday 31 March 2014

New Tastes...

Zizzi - Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester

This weekend my friend Laura came up to stay from Surrey, and on Friday we went to the opening of the newest Zizzi restaurant, as she works for them. It's in a really good position in Piccadilly Gardens, right next to a Travellodge and a few minutes walk from the train station so I think it will do really well.

We got prosecco when we first sat down, and red wine with the meal, then continued with the prosecco for the rest of the night - it was all paid for so we thought we'd make the most of it! The starter was set for us; a platter which we ordered for 3 people between five, and there was ample food for us all. It had loads of yummy treats on it, including a variety of meats, olives, calamari and two different types of bread - one with pesto and tomato, the other with garlic, caramelised onions and balsamic vinegar.

For main course I went for the chicken and prosciutto salad which had mixed leaves including spinach and rocket, tomato, grana pardano, avocado and was dressed with aioli. It was a good size after the large starter (and knowing we had dessert to come as well!). The dessert was another platter with three different mini favourites - a tiramisu, chocolate tartufo (mousse with hazelnuts and frangelico liqeur) and a deconstructed lemon meringue, which was by far my favourite.

During the meal there was a singer who was really good, and later on people got up to dance and do karaoke (this was much later on!). We left at around 1am and ended up in China Town in a karaoke bar that was super cheap! It was such a good night, and even better that it was all free!

Sunday 30 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Karaoke, Plant Pots & Meatballs!

Mo had this week off work, so it was nice to spend a bit more time with him than usual at the start of the week before he went on a roadtrip on the bike. On Tuesday I ate at the Country Club and had a bok choi, cashew but and cucmber salad with a king prawn skewer on top, drizzled with a garlic soy dressing. It was really nice, although there was slightly too much dressing for my liking - it is pretty sweet which overpowers the subtle taste of the salad leaves. Aum and I shared the brownie for dessert as well, which is served with pistachio ice cream (my fave) and is incredible!

On Wednesday I went to Mudcrab for lunch (see previous post) and after work I popped round to see Hannah which was nice. On Friday Laura, my friend from uni came to stay for the weekend, and we went to the opening of the new Zizzi in Piccadilly Gardens that evening, as she works for them (see next week's post). 

Afterwards we ended up going to Orchid Lounge, the Chinese karaoke in China Town, which I have never done despite going out in Manchester for over eight years. It was such a laugh, and super cheap! We stayed up chatting until 6.30am so didn't get up on Saturday until well after midday, which dashed our plans of going for a spa day at the Country Club as it wasn't really worth Laura paying for a few hours. Instead we had a wander around John Lewis and Didsbury, and then got cakes from And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon to eat back at home as it was nearly closing time! 

That evening Tasha, Abi and Dave came out to Alderley Edge with us. We started in The Botanist, where Laura and I had an amazing cocktail served into plant pots by a watering can. It was a gin drink, with lots of fruit and herbs in the cup, definitely something a bit different. We then moved onto The Bubble Rooms, and the time ran away with us, we ended up getting back at gone 4am again. It was mostly due to the clocks changing though, so we weren't such dirty stopouts!

Today I dropped Laura at the station and then went on to Ikea with Mum. I got lots of stuff for the flat (again!) and then Dad and Mo came round and we all had meatballs for tea. Best weekend I've had in ages, was so cool to catch up with Laura, and both nights I felt really chilled and carefree and just had an amazing time!

Thursday 27 March 2014

New Tastes...

Mudcrab, Didsbury

Yesterday I went to Mudcrab burger place in Didsbury for lunch with Mo as he's got the week off work. I've been before but in the evening with a large group, and loved it, so was looking forward to going when it was a little quieter and showing Mo what the fuss is about.

We both just got build a burgers, I had mine with sides of bacon and sour cream, and Mo had his with chilli beef brisket and what should have been chipotle slaw, but they actually gave him chipotle mayo. We were quite disappointed with the service, as not only was our waitress impersonal, but she didn't carry a notepad and so messed up not only that, but my dessert too. I also don't like how the 'toppings' you order for the burgers come on the side, so you have to literally build it yourself - bit lazy of the chef!

For dessert I got the peanut butter milkshake with homemade oreos, but as I don't like peanut butter I swapped the milkshake for a chocolate one. However, yet again the waitress misheard me, and brought me an oreo milkshake, which was lovely but meant that we were late leaving as I had to go up and ask separately for the oreos. We paid the bill at the front of the restaurant (£40 with a tip, which was undeserved to be honest!) as the two people serving were busy elsewhere and we needed to get going. Overall, nice food, but it's a pity about the service, and I wouldn't rush to go back which is a shame.

Monday 24 March 2014

Spring Views...

The Grand Budapest Hotel - 4 stars ****

This was a spontaneous cinema trip when a planned picnic was rained off! I swapped some Tesco vouchers for tickets, which means a full adult pays £4 - bargain! We went to watch an evening showing at Parrs Wood, and as it was my first night drinking in a month, I treated myself to a glass of wine whilst we watched it.

I saw an advert for The Grand Budapest Hotel a while ago, and thought it looked really good, as well as having an all-star cast. I didn't really know what to expect, so went into the showing with an open mind. It really was unlike anything I have seen before!

In a nutshell, it charters the life of a young lobby boy named Zero, who begins working at The Grand Budapest Hotel under the supervision of legendary concierge Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes). Famed for his spectacular reputation, well liked and very popular with the ladies, Gustave is an eccentric character who strikes up a friendship with Zero. When Madame D (Tilda Swinton), one of Gustave's many mistresses, dies and leaves him a priceless painting, 'Boy With Apple', her ungrateful family are furious, and refuse his claim. Gustave steals the painting and is imprisoned, and so begins a plot for Zero to help him to escape with the help of his girlfriend Agatha (Saiorse Ronan).

This film is difficult to explain in such a short paragraph, as it is intertwined with little subplots and character studies, that make it a masterpiece. Also included in the cast are Willem Dafoe as a shady hitman, Jude Law as the author of the book (the tale is told in his words as he writes it), Edward Norton as a police inspector, Adrian Brody as the son of Madame D, Owen Wilson as the succeeding concierge after Gustave H (the film occurs over a number of decades, and as such, certain characters have a number of actors playing them), Harvey Keitel as a fellow prison inmate... the list is endless. Each actor does a stellar job, to the point where each character is memorable - difficult in such a large cast.

Another great thing about this film is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. The comedy is magic, and at points reminds me of the same sort of slapstick as Monty Python, but then is also very dark at times, with a few gruesome scenes and bad language. I cannot express how much this film must be seen to be appreciated - even the cinematography is beautiful, with illustrations playing a role in some of the scenes. Definitely a movie that could be watched again and again as it is so entertaining.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Mac 'n' Cheese, Giraffe & Lamb Dinner!

This week has been pretty quiet again, and most of what I am going to write is food related! On Tuesday at the Country Club I had the 4 in 1 plate, which had mini versions of the crunch roll, tuna kabachi (diced raw tuna) salmon sashimi (sliced raw salmon) and a chicken yakitori skewer. I love that I got to try four different items, as some I wouldn't otherwise order if they were a full portion. Mo came round on Wednesday and cooked an amazing macaroni cheese - one of his specialities! Pretty fattening so not one to have all the time, but lovely comfort food.

On Thursday I went to see Jason Derulo with Tasha, and on Friday after a nice run I got the train into Manchester and met Mo after work. The weather was gorgeous so we were going to do something outside, but it became a bit overcast and cold so we ended up chilling in his office until there was a showing on at the cinema of The Grand Budapest Hotel (see next week's post). It was on at Parr's Wood so I got the train back there and then back home afterwards, while Mo went on his motorbike. We got a spontaneous Chinese when we got home, and I had a few glasses of wine as it was my first night drinking since I gave it up for a month!

Saturday we went to the Trafford Centre for a wander, the weather was horrendous and there was a bike show on so we ended up parking in Barton Square, and getting soaked walking to the main shops! We didn't buy anything as we barely had any time, but we ate at Giraffe, where I had the two course meal deal, starting with tomato and basil soup, followed by grilled chicken paillard - a butterfly breast in mustard and tarragon butter. Mo had the Kimchi burger with cheese, bbq sauce and kimchi slaw; he said it was one of the best burgers he's ever had! I babysat that evening until quite late, and then today after a lazy day, Mo came round and we had roast lamb for dinner which was delicious.

Friday 21 March 2014

Spring Sounds...

Jason Derulo at Manchester Apollo

Last night, Tasha and I went to watch Jason Derulo. Abi was supposed to be coming too, but unfortunately couldn't make it. He was supported by Conor Maynard, who I am not a huge fan of, but he played all the well known tracks (R U Crazy, Can't Say No & Turn Around) so it's good to be able to say I've seen him.

Jason came on at 9pm, and put on a true show! It has been so long since I went to a proper pop concert, I forgot how fun they are. He had a set, complete with metal steps and climbing bars, light shows, backing dancers and video clips that really enhanced the experience. His dancers did everything from body popping to break dancing, and even a two piece ballet dance during one of the slower songs, which was amazing.

He really included with the audience, and at one point got members up to partake in a challenge to see how many press ups his dancers could do with someone sat on their back! I was also impressed at his live singing, to be honest when he first came on I thought he was miming (and with the amount of dancing around he did, I wouldn't have blamed him) but after a few gaps in music where you could hear it was him, and his audience interaction it became apparent it was 100% live.

He did a great mixture of all his tunes, old and new - Ridin' Solo, Whatcha' Say, In My Head, Don't Wanna Go Home, It Girl, Breathin', Fight For You, The Other Side, Talk Dirty, Marry Me, Vertigo and his latest single Stupid Love, and came back on to perform Trumpets for the encore. He also had a resident DJ on stage with him, who was playing some absolute corkers whilst Jason got changed (his dancers also had dance offs whilst this took place), to the extent that I wished it wasn't a Thursday and I wasn't driving so I could have continued the night out! I wouldn't hesitate to see him again, despite it being a total guilty pleasure, and after Abi missed out, I feel that she should definitely make up for it next time!

Monday 17 March 2014

Candid Article 48


For my latest article, on upcoming indie pop band Morain, click below:

Sunday 16 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Sunshine, Haircuts & Afternoon Tea!

This week has been jam packed! I like a busy one now and again, so it's been loads of fun. On Monday the weather was gorgeous, so I went to The Church Inn in Mobberley with Abi, Dave and Tasha for some lunch outside in the sunshine. I had the club sandwich with chips, which was hearty and stuffed with chicken, bacon and salad, I didn't need to eat much in the evening as I was still full.

On Tuesday I ate at the country club, and had one of the specials - eggs benedict but with crab meat rather than salmon or bacon, topped with asparagus spears. It was amazing, and the crab really went well with the poached egg and Hollandaise sauce combination. I stayed at Mo's afterwards, and on Wednesday I took the plunge at the hairdressers and had my hair chopped off, which was scary but I love it! It's so much easier to do stuff with now, and takes ages off getting ready. I ate at The Blue Pig afterwards with Mo on his lunchbreak (see previous post) and then he stayed in the evening.

On Thursday my friend Kirsty came round during the day for tea and cake, bought from Peter Herd, the bakery in the village where I now live. We had a homemade warm hot cross bun each, and then I had a mini battenburg cake, but it was chocolate and lemon sponge with lemon curd, and then half dipped in chocolate! I think I prefer it to the traditional version.

On Friday I went out for a few (non alcoholic) drinks in Piccolinos and Hogans in Hale with Tasha and Abi, and managed to make it until nearly 1.30am before I drove home as I was knackered. Yesterday after a lovely yoga sesh  I spent the day cleaning the flat and preparing food for the Spanish dinner party I had (see previous post).

It was nice to wake up today sans hangover, and I had a great day out with my mum in Chester as a belated birthday present for her. After a spot of shopping (and some purchases in Primark!) we went to Oddfellows for afternoon tea where I have been before. We got mini sandwiches (chicken caesar, cheese and coleslaw, tuna mayonnaise and egg and cress) currant scones with cream and jam, and then a selection of mini cakes - a lemon cheesecake, almond bakewell, tiramisu and a weird thing a bit like a large jellytot (this wasn't so nice!). We washed it down with cups of tea before heading back home, and now I am chilling at home before the start of a new week!

Homemade Recipes...

Spanish Night!

Last night, I had people round for a little dinner party, and decided to do a Spanish theme. There were six of us, a nice number for sharing dishes, so to start I did some tapas - garlic prawns and meatballs in a tomato sauce, along with some bread with balsamic vinegar and olives. It went down very well, and was all fairly simple to make - I cheated a little and used premade meatballs, but apart from that I cooked it all up myself. I was particularly impressed with the prawns, they looked and tasted amazing to say it was literally garlic cloves browned in olive oil and then used to flash fry the king prawns.

Getting in the spirit of things I also made a jug of sangria (though unfortunately I am still doing the no drinking thing so had to pass myself). It was made with two parts red wine, two parts orange juice and one part lemonade, and I put apples and oranges in it and left it in the fridge for a few hours before serving. The recipients said it was really fruity and not as rich as normal Spanish sangria, which was obviously a good thing as none was left over! 

For the main course I played it safe with a paella, another great dish to make when serving a larger group. It only took half an hour and was a very straightforward recipe to follow (found in one of my mum's Spanish cooking books) I chose to include chicken, pork, chorizo and prawns, and borrowed one of the traditional large pans from my mum to cook and serve it in.

We were all pretty full afterwards, but had just enough room to fit in a slice of the amazing blueberry cake that Anna, one of the guests, had made. It was huge and covered in delicious cream cheese icing and blueberries. Later we also had cheese and biscuits, I went to bed that evening feeling very indulged!

Thursday 13 March 2014

New Tastes...

The Blue Pig, Northern Quarter

Yesterday, Mo and I met up for lunch after I had my hair cut (short!). I normally decide where we eat, as I have a long list of places in Manchester that I want to try at some point; but this time Mo had a suggestion, so we went along with that. We went to The Blue Pig in the Northern Quarter, which is French themed, and really lovely inside - full of greenery and has loads of large glass windows to watch the world go by.

During the week it has a lunchtime offer where the whole menu including specials is half price, which made the meal really reasonable, not that it is expensive full price to be honest. I chose the special which was a steak and rocket ciabatta with caramelised onion chutney; it was filled with proper strips of meat as opposed to a sandwich steak which I was impressed with. Mo got the burger, which had a huge patty in it along with red onion, blue cheese and salad, and was accompanied with some amazing half skinned chips that were seasoned to perfection. I had a latte, as was feeling a little sluggish, while Mo just stuck with a tap water, and it all came to just over £12 - bargain!

The Blue Pig is a great place for a quick bite, and I'd be interested to see what it's like in an evening, as it has a huge array of unusual spirits and a great cocktail menu, which are good ingredients to draw in a bustling crowd!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Chester & A Roast Dinner!

I did absolutely nothing sociable this week until Friday. I saw Mo a couple of times during the week and on Tuesday I had Turkey breast katsu with stir fried bok choi in a chilli, soy and lime dressing at the Country Club, but forgot to take a photo! The one exciting thing that took place was the moving in of my pet rabbit Saffy to the flat - lovely to have a bit of company.

On Friday I went back to the Country Club to eat, this time for pleasure as opposed to work (not that I'm complaining!). I went with Abi, and as I wasn't super hungry I opted for a small plate, the Thai fishcakes with chilli tomato salsa. I got three decent sized cakes, so it was perfect as a light bite, and lovely to catch up with Abi - we worked out it had been a month since we'd seen each other!

On Saturday I cleaned all of the flat for the first time, which was surprisingly time consuming. I managed to fit in a lovely yoga class though, and dye my hair ready for a night out in Chester. I picked up Tasha, Emily and Smeed and drove us all to Hannah's where we were staying. We all had pizzas for dinner and started getting ready, and then Mo and his friend Mohsen who was visiting arrived and after a few drinks (mine soft of course!) we headed out.

We started in a place called Fiesta Havana which was playing good dancey music, and is in a sort of underground cave which has a great atmosphere. It is Mexican themed so does lots of cocktails, and was really busy so started the night well. Then we moved onto Red Door, another bar but smaller with a dancefloor, so we spent the rest of the night in there until I got too tired being sober so went home.

Today we travelled home and then Mum and Dad have just been round for a roast pork dinner, which went really well and they were very impressed with!

Candid Article 47


For my latest article, on New York band Lucius, click the link below:

Friday 7 March 2014

Spring Reads...

A Storm Of Swords Part 2 : Blood and Gold by George R. R. Martin - 3 stars ***

This book had taken me forever to read, but I am glad to have got it finished in time for the next series of the TV show to start, as I find I understand what is happening a lot more!

Continuing on from the first part of the book (this one is so big it's split into two parts!) Blood and Gold was much more action packed and interesting that it's predecessor Steel and Snow, which I actually found quite boring. As with all of the novels, the storylines are incredibly detailed and as such I won't go into them at length here (also avoids the tricky situation of spoilers then!), for a full plot summary, the link to the Wikipedia page is here:

The pace of this book is much better than the last - once I had got to the middle of it, I raced through the last section of it, as it was gripping and lots of twists happened. One thing I love about Game Of Thrones is that George R R Martin isn't afraid to shock the readers, and is often graphic and crude with his descriptions. This is quite refreshing and not the type of literature I normally read, which is a welcome change. I'd say if you're this far through the series then you obviously enjoy them, but for those that are fans of the TV show and haven't read them, get to it! They can be heavy going at times but are definitely worth it, even if it's just so you can threaten spoilers on friends that watch the series!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Bacon Baskets & Babysitting!

This week started with mine and Mo's one year anniversary, which was lovely. Mo took the day off, so once I had dropped Aum off at school I went back home and he made bacon baskets filled with egg and cheese for breakfast, they were amazing! I've seen them on Pinterest a few times and always fancied trying them; they were super easy to make and a nice variation on a traditional English breakfast. We also went for a coffee at The Church Inn in Mobberley before I went to collect Aum, it is really cute inside and had a log fire burning which was very cosy.

On Tuesday I ate at the Country Club, and went for one of the specials - oxtail dumplings with a soft poached egg and crispy bacon. It was quite small, but I had it with a side of chunky chips (perfect for dipping in a runny yolk), they are so good there! On Wednesday Mo came round, and on Thursday I ate at my parents before calling round to Hannah's with Tasha for a quick hour catchup before bed.

Last minute on Friday Mo and I went to The Moss Trooper for tea with a few others - I shared the meat platter which had black pudding, mini caramelised onion sausages, chicken goujons, onion rings, potato wedges and a pulled pork flatbread for a starter; I didn't really need a main! I was glad that I had opted for the small portion of fish and chips, as it was plenty big enough. It is typical pub grub there, nothing special, but definitely beats cooking at home.

On Saturday we ventured into Manchester on a hunt for some artwork for my flat, however we were late getting in and had an unsuccessful trip so it was a bit pointless really. I babysat in the evening, and for once finished relatively early at 11pm - shame I hadn't planned to do anything afterwards. Today I have had a really nice lazy day catching up with some much needed jobs, and Mo and I have just got back from a chicken roast dinner with apple and blackberry crumble for dessert at my parents, laverly!