Friday 7 March 2014

Spring Reads...

A Storm Of Swords Part 2 : Blood and Gold by George R. R. Martin - 3 stars ***

This book had taken me forever to read, but I am glad to have got it finished in time for the next series of the TV show to start, as I find I understand what is happening a lot more!

Continuing on from the first part of the book (this one is so big it's split into two parts!) Blood and Gold was much more action packed and interesting that it's predecessor Steel and Snow, which I actually found quite boring. As with all of the novels, the storylines are incredibly detailed and as such I won't go into them at length here (also avoids the tricky situation of spoilers then!), for a full plot summary, the link to the Wikipedia page is here:

The pace of this book is much better than the last - once I had got to the middle of it, I raced through the last section of it, as it was gripping and lots of twists happened. One thing I love about Game Of Thrones is that George R R Martin isn't afraid to shock the readers, and is often graphic and crude with his descriptions. This is quite refreshing and not the type of literature I normally read, which is a welcome change. I'd say if you're this far through the series then you obviously enjoy them, but for those that are fans of the TV show and haven't read them, get to it! They can be heavy going at times but are definitely worth it, even if it's just so you can threaten spoilers on friends that watch the series!

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