Sunday 2 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Bacon Baskets & Babysitting!

This week started with mine and Mo's one year anniversary, which was lovely. Mo took the day off, so once I had dropped Aum off at school I went back home and he made bacon baskets filled with egg and cheese for breakfast, they were amazing! I've seen them on Pinterest a few times and always fancied trying them; they were super easy to make and a nice variation on a traditional English breakfast. We also went for a coffee at The Church Inn in Mobberley before I went to collect Aum, it is really cute inside and had a log fire burning which was very cosy.

On Tuesday I ate at the Country Club, and went for one of the specials - oxtail dumplings with a soft poached egg and crispy bacon. It was quite small, but I had it with a side of chunky chips (perfect for dipping in a runny yolk), they are so good there! On Wednesday Mo came round, and on Thursday I ate at my parents before calling round to Hannah's with Tasha for a quick hour catchup before bed.

Last minute on Friday Mo and I went to The Moss Trooper for tea with a few others - I shared the meat platter which had black pudding, mini caramelised onion sausages, chicken goujons, onion rings, potato wedges and a pulled pork flatbread for a starter; I didn't really need a main! I was glad that I had opted for the small portion of fish and chips, as it was plenty big enough. It is typical pub grub there, nothing special, but definitely beats cooking at home.

On Saturday we ventured into Manchester on a hunt for some artwork for my flat, however we were late getting in and had an unsuccessful trip so it was a bit pointless really. I babysat in the evening, and for once finished relatively early at 11pm - shame I hadn't planned to do anything afterwards. Today I have had a really nice lazy day catching up with some much needed jobs, and Mo and I have just got back from a chicken roast dinner with apple and blackberry crumble for dessert at my parents, laverly!

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