Sunday 9 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Chester & A Roast Dinner!

I did absolutely nothing sociable this week until Friday. I saw Mo a couple of times during the week and on Tuesday I had Turkey breast katsu with stir fried bok choi in a chilli, soy and lime dressing at the Country Club, but forgot to take a photo! The one exciting thing that took place was the moving in of my pet rabbit Saffy to the flat - lovely to have a bit of company.

On Friday I went back to the Country Club to eat, this time for pleasure as opposed to work (not that I'm complaining!). I went with Abi, and as I wasn't super hungry I opted for a small plate, the Thai fishcakes with chilli tomato salsa. I got three decent sized cakes, so it was perfect as a light bite, and lovely to catch up with Abi - we worked out it had been a month since we'd seen each other!

On Saturday I cleaned all of the flat for the first time, which was surprisingly time consuming. I managed to fit in a lovely yoga class though, and dye my hair ready for a night out in Chester. I picked up Tasha, Emily and Smeed and drove us all to Hannah's where we were staying. We all had pizzas for dinner and started getting ready, and then Mo and his friend Mohsen who was visiting arrived and after a few drinks (mine soft of course!) we headed out.

We started in a place called Fiesta Havana which was playing good dancey music, and is in a sort of underground cave which has a great atmosphere. It is Mexican themed so does lots of cocktails, and was really busy so started the night well. Then we moved onto Red Door, another bar but smaller with a dancefloor, so we spent the rest of the night in there until I got too tired being sober so went home.

Today we travelled home and then Mum and Dad have just been round for a roast pork dinner, which went really well and they were very impressed with!

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