Sunday 16 March 2014

Weekly Update!

Sunshine, Haircuts & Afternoon Tea!

This week has been jam packed! I like a busy one now and again, so it's been loads of fun. On Monday the weather was gorgeous, so I went to The Church Inn in Mobberley with Abi, Dave and Tasha for some lunch outside in the sunshine. I had the club sandwich with chips, which was hearty and stuffed with chicken, bacon and salad, I didn't need to eat much in the evening as I was still full.

On Tuesday I ate at the country club, and had one of the specials - eggs benedict but with crab meat rather than salmon or bacon, topped with asparagus spears. It was amazing, and the crab really went well with the poached egg and Hollandaise sauce combination. I stayed at Mo's afterwards, and on Wednesday I took the plunge at the hairdressers and had my hair chopped off, which was scary but I love it! It's so much easier to do stuff with now, and takes ages off getting ready. I ate at The Blue Pig afterwards with Mo on his lunchbreak (see previous post) and then he stayed in the evening.

On Thursday my friend Kirsty came round during the day for tea and cake, bought from Peter Herd, the bakery in the village where I now live. We had a homemade warm hot cross bun each, and then I had a mini battenburg cake, but it was chocolate and lemon sponge with lemon curd, and then half dipped in chocolate! I think I prefer it to the traditional version.

On Friday I went out for a few (non alcoholic) drinks in Piccolinos and Hogans in Hale with Tasha and Abi, and managed to make it until nearly 1.30am before I drove home as I was knackered. Yesterday after a lovely yoga sesh  I spent the day cleaning the flat and preparing food for the Spanish dinner party I had (see previous post).

It was nice to wake up today sans hangover, and I had a great day out with my mum in Chester as a belated birthday present for her. After a spot of shopping (and some purchases in Primark!) we went to Oddfellows for afternoon tea where I have been before. We got mini sandwiches (chicken caesar, cheese and coleslaw, tuna mayonnaise and egg and cress) currant scones with cream and jam, and then a selection of mini cakes - a lemon cheesecake, almond bakewell, tiramisu and a weird thing a bit like a large jellytot (this wasn't so nice!). We washed it down with cups of tea before heading back home, and now I am chilling at home before the start of a new week!

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