Thursday 27 March 2014

New Tastes...

Mudcrab, Didsbury

Yesterday I went to Mudcrab burger place in Didsbury for lunch with Mo as he's got the week off work. I've been before but in the evening with a large group, and loved it, so was looking forward to going when it was a little quieter and showing Mo what the fuss is about.

We both just got build a burgers, I had mine with sides of bacon and sour cream, and Mo had his with chilli beef brisket and what should have been chipotle slaw, but they actually gave him chipotle mayo. We were quite disappointed with the service, as not only was our waitress impersonal, but she didn't carry a notepad and so messed up not only that, but my dessert too. I also don't like how the 'toppings' you order for the burgers come on the side, so you have to literally build it yourself - bit lazy of the chef!

For dessert I got the peanut butter milkshake with homemade oreos, but as I don't like peanut butter I swapped the milkshake for a chocolate one. However, yet again the waitress misheard me, and brought me an oreo milkshake, which was lovely but meant that we were late leaving as I had to go up and ask separately for the oreos. We paid the bill at the front of the restaurant (£40 with a tip, which was undeserved to be honest!) as the two people serving were busy elsewhere and we needed to get going. Overall, nice food, but it's a pity about the service, and I wouldn't rush to go back which is a shame.

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