Saturday 2 April 2011

New Tastes...

Bella Italia, Lancaster

Yesterday my parents came to Lancaster to pick me up from university for Easter, and we went to Bella Italia for tea. As they were both at work til 5pm, I booked a table for 8.30pm, and the restaurant was in full swing when we arrived, with most tables busy. I always prefer a bit of bustle when eating out as it seems more welcoming; and of course, you know the food must be good if lots of people are paying to eat there.

It is not the first time I have been to Bella Italia, in fact I seem to visit various branches of the chain Italian on a regular basis. This is mainly due to them accepting Tesco vouchers, so £4 in clubcard points equals £10 to spend, and this bargain means as a family we often eat out in a multitude of places including Strada, Cafe Rouge and Pizza Express.

The Bella Italia in Lancaster is decked out in the traditional style that all the restaurants are, red and yellow walls, candlelit tables, and gold lettering across the windows. It gives that authentic Italian feel, despite it being in the middle of student-ville. We ordered a bottle of house red and some starters to share- a garlic bread with cheese, breaded mozzerella with caramelized onion relish, and a selection of Italian meats with bruschetta. There was a slight mix up with our order, but it actually worked in our favour as the food was more staggered so we weren't stuffed after the first course.

Shortly after our plates had been cleared, our main courses arrived. I had Penne Zafferano, a creamy salmon and prawn pasta dish, with tomatoes and spinach, while my parents shared Pollo Alla Crema, another pasta dish which contained chicken, peppers, pancetta and red onion. It was a special two person sized portion, which I think is a really good idea, and provides great value for money (it was £13.95).

Despite being hugely full, I decided to order a dessert called The Godfather, to share with my mum. It had bits of gooey brownie, toffee and vanilla ice cream and whipped cream, topped with chocolate sauce and crunchy chocolate pieces- delicious! My dad got an Irish coffee.

I was really impressed at the service for a busy Friday night, even though the waitress we had was a little over-friendly, but rather that than someone rude. The whole bill came to approximately £65, but with our £40 vouchers, proved very reasonable. Even though it is now the fourth time I have been, I wouldn't hesitate to return!

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