Sunday 17 April 2011

Weekly Update!

Chinese, Creme Egg Mcflurry's and

So, the Easter holidays are finally here, and unlike most students frantically revising for the duration, I can relax, as mine isn't until June 9th. This week, I returned from Paris on Monday (see previous post) and then my boyfriend came to visit for a couple of days. We didn't really do much, we went for a mooch around the Trafford Centre on the day he arrived, and then went shopping in my local town the following day before seeing Limitless at the cinema (review being posted tomorrow). The weather was lovely, and it was nice to chill out after a frantic, but awesome few days away from home.

On Thursday I worked, and then went out for a few drinks at night in the Belgian bar in Altrincham. It was the first time I'd met up with friends from home since being back, so it was nice catching up on everyone's lives and enjoying a few exotic flavoured beers. Friday was a very lazy day, mainly consisting of watching America's Next Top Model to catch up with this series, and then in the evening we got a Chinese takeaway which was delicious. I had king prawns with cashew nuts and bamboo shoots, and then we also had chicken chow mein, beef with vegetables, sweet and sour chicken, king prawn schezuan and egg fried rice. Good job I'd done a 30 minute run on the Wii beforehand!

Yesterday it was my friend Hana's 21st party (despite her birthday being a month away, in the midst of exams). During the day I went shopping with my mum and bought a new bikini and some black suede Diesel ankle boots for just £9. I also had my first Creme Egg Mcflurry of the year, so I was a very happy girl! We went round to Hana's at 6pm and had nibbles and champagne outside, as it was a beautiful sunny evening. Then there was a yummy buffet and more drinks, before we heard speeches (that were so sweet!) and set off some Chinese lanterns, though the ones I attempted failed miserably. Then we headed into Manchester to the Northern Quarter, starting in Walrus cocktail bar, before going to Bluu. It was pretty busy, which made the night a bit more fun as there was a good atmosphere. We got minibuses home at 2am, and I fell into bed, knackered, at 3am.

Today the gorgeous weather is still here, so I am writing this in the garden, and will probably read some of my book in the sun later, before making a start on some work for my creative writing portfolio this evening. The good stuff has to end somewhere I suppose!

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