Friday 22 April 2011

Mid-week Update!

Ice Cream, Castles and Sunshine!

As I've had such a lovely busy week this week, I've decided to split my normal weekly update into two sections so it's not a mammoth post on Sunday.

On Monday I had my second day at Masquerade Magazine, and then after an early shift at work on Tuesday I went to Crewe to visit my boyfriend, Chris. Because it was such a lovely sunny day, we went to an ice cream parlour near to his house called Snugbury's (I blogged about it last summer). I had a double cone with honeycomb and the newest flavour: nuts about chocolate, which was hazelnut ice cream swirled with chocolate sauce and pieces of hazelnut. They have some farm animals there as well, which are always funny to watch. We then went home, and I had my first non-portable barbecue this year- gorgeous!

On Wednesday after a nice lie-in we went to Beeston Castle, an English Heritage site in Tarporley, West Cheshire. It has a number of walks you can do around the grounds, and a big drawbridge leading to the ruins of the main castle. It is atop a hill with some impressive views; you can see Jodrell Bank, Liverpool and the Welsh mountains! Again due to the sunshine, we took a picnic and lazed on the grass for a while before driving back.

On Thursday, I worked again, and then cracked on with some work for my creative writing portfolio, which slowly but surely is getting nearer to completion. This continued on Friday, and then once it had cooled down in the evening I went for a 4 mile walk around Dunham Massey with my mum. It is a National Trust park that has a beautiful lake in the middle and deer roaming free around it, the perfect location for a summer evening wander. We then went home and had a tasty Greek salad for tea- yum!

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