Sunday 24 April 2011

Weekly Update!

A Weekend of Family Fun!

On Saturday morning, my grandparents came to stay for the weekend, bringing my little cousins with them. We had some lunch and then sat in the garden, enjoying the sunshine while they played on the grass. In the late afternoon, my other young cousins came, and we had a nice lasagne with salad and garlic bread, followed by fresh fruit salad and ice cream.

After tea, I went to The Griffin, a modern pub relatively near to my house with a couple of my friends. I was driving so could only have one, but it was lovely to sit in the sunny beer garden outside, until it got chilly and we moved indoors. We had a good old natter, and though it was a fairly early one, it was nice to have some peace and quiet after a child filled day!

This morning, after a leisurely breakfast, we made a picnic and went to a nearby park for the day. There is a little mini steam train there that the kids enjoyed (and it only costs 30p for a ride!), and we seemed to arrive at a good time, skipping the queues for it, and at the ice cream van!

After a couple of hours there, me and my mum headed home to hide lots of Easter eggs so the children could do an egg hunt. We hid chocolate eggs and rabbits, as well as glittery decorated eggs, and each of the kids had a felt bag to collect them in. It kept them occupied for a while, though there were fights when

some got more than others!

I've just finished a gorgeous chicken Sunday roast, complete with Yorkshire puddings, and a raspberry crème brulee tart for dessert- delicious. The guests are heading home in the morning, and I am working at 7am, so I am making the most of the last bit of my weekend, sipping a cider and catching the last of the rays, while chatting with the family. They may be best in small doses, but I do enjoy having a full house!

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