Tuesday 12 April 2011

Traveller's Tales...

A Parisian Adventure (days 3 & 4)

On Saturday we all woke late and fuzzy headed, to be greeted with cups of tea and amazing pastries courtesy of Laura's boyfriend who was also staying for a week. After we'd lounged around for a while, we got up and went via the Arc de Triomphe to the Palais de Tokyo- an exhibition centre that has a retro photobooth that we made full use of, coming out with some memorable photos. We had a drink at the cafe there, which was pricey, but had a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower and in the sunshine (which was now at 29 degrees) it was gorgeous.

Afterwards we wandered towards the Jardin Des Tuileries, a park next to the Louvre, and stopped at a restaurant under the trees there for a late lunch. I had a cheese, ham and mushroom crepe with salad- it was yummy! Eating at somewhere with such a great view made it all the better as well. We then just chilled out in the sun for a couple of hours, before waltzing home. Along the way we saw the Louvre, and the Palais du Louvre as well as the Pont des Arts which is known for being covered in padlocks inscribed with loved-up couples' names.

We stopped at a supermarket and a boulangerie on the way home to pick up a few bits for tea. As we had eaten so late we decided to just have snacks and a dessert- I bought a custard and chocolate pastry that we had with vanilla nut and speculoos flavour ice cream. We ate whilst watching Inception, which I enjoyed seeing again to pick up the bits I missed the first time. After it had finished we hit the hay as we were all knackered from the lack of sleep the night before!

On Sunday, my final day, we went to the vintage section of the city. We passed the Notre Dame on the way, and stopped for lunch at HD Diner, a 50s style restaurant. Inside was a whirlwind of turquoise and Barbie pink, and each table had a fake jukebox attached to it. I had a burger with guacamole and avocado in it, that came with french fries, and an oreo cookie milkshake, that arrived complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top- I felt like a character in Grease!

I bought a couple of silk scarves from the vintage shops, but it was so hot, we lost our desire to search through more mountains of clothes, and retired to the park near Laura's house equipped with a salad nicoise and a baguette with some super smelly scrummy cheese. When we returned home we watched The Social Network, which I thought was really good considering some of the bad reviews it had got, and then I packed for home. I went to bed fairly early as I had to be up at 4am to come home- I didn't want to leave! I will definitely be returning to Paris in the future; I can't believe it's taken me this long to go there for the first time!

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