Monday 18 April 2011

Spring Views...

Limitless- 4 stars ****

This was a spur of the moment view, as I had some vouchers for two free tickets to use, and it was all that was on that suited the times we were free. After watching the advert, I thought it actually looked pretty good, and Bradley Cooper being the star meant even if the film was rubbish, at least there would be something nice to look at.

I didn't have to resort to this though, as the film was well worth seeing. It tells the story of Edward Morra, a guy struggling for inspiration to write his book, and recently dumped by his girlfriend due to his lack of motivation. One day he bumps into the drug dealing brother of his ex-wife, who lets him sample a new drug- NZT-48, that lets humans access 100% of their brains rather than the normal 20%. After one dose, he completes the first section of his book, and cleans himself up, causing him to want more of the substance that makes him so productive.
So begins a twisted tale, of criminals, cheats, success and failure, as Edward rises to the top of a business run by Robert de Niro and regains his girlfriend, but at the expense of his safety and privacy. Bradley Cooper does the role huge justice, showing many facets as he goes from slob to charismatic leader to hard faced businessman, and hearing him speak French shows that he is not just a pretty face!

There were some brilliant camera shots in this, most notably the beginning, when it zoomed through images of the inside of a brain, through city streets and buildings, all at super speed. It sort of hurt my eyes, but in a good, trippy kind of way, that added an extra dimension to the film. This effect returned later in the movie when Edward started to experience blackouts, and it was a very clever way of showing the audience how it must have been for the character.

The only downfall to this film for me, was the slightly rushed ending. Upon leaving, I had to go through and rethink certain conclusions that I felt despite having massive run ups to them, had been revealed too speedily at the finale. It did create a talking point on the journey home though, so it did have its benefits!

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