Sunday 3 April 2011

Weekly Update!

Baking, Birthdays and Home Time!

This week has been a countdown to that time that I am well and truly ready for- going home. Uni being 11 weeks long this term has killed me, and I am drained and missing home cooked meals and my girls. As well as that I had to say goodbye to Chris for two weeks on Monday, which was rubbish, especially when I had an essay yet to be completed that was looming over my head.

To cheer myself up on Tuesday I went to the gym (yes, it may seem weird) and then baked some gingernut biscuits, and decorated some cakes for my friend Kat's 21st on Wednesday. On Wednesday I started my notes for the dreaded essay and then got doled up ready for Kat's party. It was a really fun night, as I didn't know that many people, and I love meeting some new faces. Unfortunately, due to the amount of alcohol consumed, I ended up being horrifically drunk, and had to be 'walked' home (said because judging by my knees, walking may not be what actually happened!). I then had the horrible task of writing a full 2000 odd words completely hungover the following day, which was an experience I won't be repeating in a hurry!

On Friday, I woke up with a spring in my step. I handed my essay in, then went for tea and biscuits at my friends flat, before hitting the gym, and packing ready to leave on Saturday morning for home. In the evening, my parents arrived and we went to Bella Italia (see previous post). Yesterday, once I had returned home, I went shopping in Manchester, which I have missed. I love spending time in the city, and going with my mum meant I got some free clothes out of it as well- result! That night we had a lovely curry, and then a few of my friends came round for a catchup. They only stayed for a while though, as we were all really tired- obviously being nearly 21, we are getting old!

Today I had a super lie in and then after a mushroom and bacon sandwich I went to Ikea with my mum. We had coffee and doughnuts and then came home, where I have just finished a beautiful roast dinner- ahhh to be home!

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