Monday 11 April 2011

Traveller's Tales...

A Parisian Adventure (days 1 & 2)

This morning, I returned from one of the most amazing weekends away I have had thus far in my life. I went to Paris, France for three days, to visit my friend Laura who is currently living there. I arrived at approximately 8.30pm Parisian time where I was met by Laura, and we travelled back to her apartment via train and metro.

A quick freshen up and we were off to the Eiffel Tower to celebrate a friend's birthday. We took wine, champagne and nibbles and sat on the grass beside the monument, soaking up the pleasant warmth of the night. At midnight each night, the tower lights up with the most gorgeous twinkling lights, which marked my first night in Paris perfectly.

The following day Laura and her flatmate were at work early, so I had a lie in before getting ready and popping out for a wander around the area near their apartment. I got hopelessly lost, but luckily the metro system was easy enough to navigate, so I soon found my way back to where I was supposed to be meeting Laura for lunch. We went to a little boulangerie, where I bought a seeded ham and emmental sandwich, which was tasty. We sat in a little park near her office to eat, that contains the Tour de St Jacques, and enjoyed the glorious sunshine.

Once Laura had returned to work I went onto Rue de Rivoli, for a browse in the shops along it. I managed to find a dress for my graduation for just 26 euros, and it is exactly what I was looking for- elegant and simple, yet a shade of red that marks it as far from boring. Afterwards, I found a little courtyard directly in the sun and stayed there reading for two hours! I then headed back to the apartment, and read for a bit longer until everyone returned from work. I made a chicken salad for our tea, and then we got ready for a night on the town.

People came round for some drinks, and at about midnight, we caught a taxi to Culture Hall, a club that someone had recommended although Laura had never been. There was a large group of us out to celebrate the birthday from the night before, and for 22 euros we got entrance and two private tables complete with two large bottles of vodka to share out, so we all got suitably drunk. It was a great night, the club played mainly house music, which is always good for a boogie, and it ended considerably later than a night out at home- we went to bed at 5.30am!

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