Monday 25 March 2013

Traveller's Tales...

Paris (part 2)

On Saturday I woke up at half eight as Mo text me, and I didn't feel too bad, though I had a bit of a headache. I eventually got up at half ten and had a shower, and then felt awful! We headed out at around twelve toward Le Marais, which is the vintagey shopping area, which I love, and picked up a sandwich along the way (ham, chicken and creme fraiche - yum!) and a Starbucks. I found a really nice men's checked shirt for 5 euros, but apart from that didn't buy anything, although Claire got a pair of black leather shorts like mine. 

After that we headed towards Notre Dame. Although I have seen it twice before I have never been inside, and Claire said it is amazing so I thought we'd pop in. It was a mistake though, as it was absolutely heaving (we later learned it was the first ringing of the new bell to mark 850 years of it standing) so we didn't make it inside after all! Once we had eventually squeezed our way out we got a Nutella crepe and then went to the shop to get some food and drink for that evening. I bought a bottle of champagne for under two euros to mix with some fruit juice, absolute bargain!

We had little cheese and ham pancakes with quinoa and green beans for tea, and then started getting ready for a night out. Elliot and Gez came round to Claire's for predrinks, and we played drinking games and generally larked around getting drunk. It got to half one and we decided to make a move so ordered a taxi and went to an Irish bar again where we were supposed to meet some more friends. However, we couldn't find them anywhere, so left after twenty minutes, to find that it was impossible for us to flag down a taxi , and it was freezing! We eventually caught a bus, and collapsed into bed at 4am.

Yesterday I actually felt fine, but Claire was pretty hungover. We stayed asleep in bed until gone twelve, and then got up and dressed ready to do something with my last day. We were intending going to L'opera Garnier, a theatre and museum that is supposed to be gorgeous, but they were doing renovation work so we go there after it had shut for the day which was frustrating - we had checked online and everything! Instead we went to Les Invalides, where Napoleon is buried, which was huge and had pretty architecture and statues inside.

On the way back to the metro we noticed that a few stops were closed, and discovered that there was a protest against gay marriage and adoption going on, which was a bit scary, we nearly got trampled on quite a few times! It was quite eerie too, as the Champs Elysée was completely closed off to traffic. As we had to walk all the way back, we stopped and had a quick look in Abercrombie, which was insane, five floors of clothes and lots of half naked men wandering around! 

We then went to an exhibition centre where there was a wine tasting event happening that we had been given free tickets for. We were handed a glass and shown into one of three halls all choc-a-block with stalls each offering four or five types of wine, it was enormous! We tried three red wines and two champagnes before calling it a day, as we were so tired from walking everywhere. On the way back to Claire's flat we stopped and got some sushi for tea - twelve pieces with salad and soup was only 12 euros, incredible! It tasted really good, and we watched a film whilst I finished packing and set my alarm for 6.30am ready to leave the next morning. Paris never disappoints!

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