Thursday 21 March 2013

Weekly Update (Mon-Thurs)

Waitrose, Country Club & American Bar!

This week's post is a little out of the ordinary, as I am going to the airport to travel to Paris in fifteen minutes, so thought I'd do a weekly update post now, and then I can fill you in on my escapades in France when I return.

On Monday I went to a Body Pump class and then went out for lunch with Mum. We just went to the cafe in Waitrose as I had some shopping to do for Aum, but we had some lovely Moroccan chicken soup with crusty bread and then shared a maple and pecan YumYum (basically a twisted doughtnut). I babysat briefly in the evening, and counted out my tip jar when I got home (desperate times) - there was £41 in there!

On Tuesday I hammered the gym and then in the evening had a swim and ate tea at the Country Club. I had a prawn omelette off the specials menu that was delicious, it had sugarsnap peas and spring onions in it too. After work I went to the American Bar with Natasha and Abi and I had two huge waffles with toffee sauce and ice cream for my dessert and a glass of wine which was bliss. Emily and Smeed joined us afterwards for a quick drink, and then I got a lift home.

On Wednesday I did a really good cycle whilst watching Due Date which was pretty funny, and then I met Mo for lunch in Manchester at The Grill on New York Street (see previous post). I went for a quick mooch around Primark and then in the evening Mo came round for a few hours to see me before I went to Paris.

Today I finished packing and have just been to get my nails done ready for my trip. So excited to get back to Paris and to see Claire who I am staying with!

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