Sunday 17 March 2013

Weekly Update!

Salmon Pate, Sticky Beef, Frozen Yoghurt, Fish and Chips, Cocktail Teacups & Pancakes!

This week has been lovely and sociable! On Monday I went for lunch at Gastronomy with Tasha and Abi, I had the special which was salmon pate with crusty white bread and salad; it was delicious. It came served with a mustard mayonnaise dressing for the salad, which added a lovely acidity to the smoothness of the pate. I went for a coffee at Costa afterwards with Abi and her brother whilst I waited for Aum to finish school.

On Tuesday morning I popped round to Abbey's for a cup of tea and a catchup, it's been ages! It was lovely to have a natter, and we started plotting to persuade our parents to organise a skiing trip next year, which would be so much fun! Afterwards I went to the gym and then in the evening I had tea at the Country Club with Aum. I had a beautiful pak choi salad with sticky teriyaki glazed beef - I would definitely have it again as not only was it tasty, but it is pretty healthy and really filled me up. I went round to Rick's after work for a chat and cuppa, and lots of chocolate cookies! It was nice to see his new place (which is really nice) and I got out my iPod and we had a good reminisce with his flatmate about old school music.

On Wednesday I did my Body Pump class, and then in the afternoon met Abi for a Yogberries. It's been ages since I had one, I forgot how good they are. I had raspberries, Oreo cookies and white chocolate buttons on mine, gorge! Mo came to stay in the evening, and we had a really good Moroccan meatball tagine for tea. Thursday was fairly quiet, I did an hour long cycle which I was pretty proud of, met Abi for a coffee whilst Aum was at boxing, and then babysat in the evening.

On Friday I did Body Combat and in the evening I went out for a meal with Mo to Francs in Altrincham (see previous post). We went for a few drinks in Bloom afterwards, and then bought a bottle of wine from Tescos to take home for a drink. On Saturday we had a nice lie in, and then went for lunch at The Moss Trooper with a load of people which was a fun way to spend a Saturday. I had fish and chips which was really nice, and then once I was home I popped to Stockport with Mum.

That night Mo came round to mine for a few predrinks and then we went out in the Northern Quarter in Manchester with Abi, Tasha and Jack her boyfriend. We started in Apotheca where I had a cute cocktail in a tea cup, and then moved on to Hunky Dory and Tusk, which used to be Walrus. We didn't stay out too late as Jack was driving, but we had a fun night, and got to dance which is always a bonus!

I literally did nothing all day today except cook some pancakes for breakfast and then I've just had a Mr Selfridge marathon with Mum, bedtime!

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