Sunday 3 March 2013

Weekly Update!

Trof, Hale Country Club, Cake Gallery & Gastronomy - a week of eating!

This week has been a really good one, Aum was back at school so I relished having my days free again, and I found plenty to keep myself occupied. On Monday I went into Manchester for lunch with Mo at Trof, which was really nice. I had broccoli and feta soup with sourdough bread which was off the specials menu, and was tasty. It was also good to do something a bit different whilst Aum was at school, and broke the day up by having something to look forward to.

On Tuesday I did a gym workout and swim, and had tea at the country club. I had a sort of deconstructed sushi dish called Kabachi - it was a bowl of diced raw salmon with avocado, sugar snap peas and chilli in a lime and sesame dressing. As it was so low calorie I treated myself to a dessert called Paris Mess, basically a variation on Eton Mess. It had broken macaroons, toasted almonds, caramel, chantilly cream and apricots in it and was amazing!

Wednesday was payday finally, so I filled my car up with petrol, bought my Parklife ticket, and paid to enter the triathlon I am competing in, as well as paying off various debts - it is gradually disappearing already! That evening I went to see Reel Big Fish with Mo, Dom and Kirsty (see previous post). On Thursday I met Hannah and Abi at the Cake Gallery for a catch up, where I had a pecan pie that was delicious, and totally took me back to my childhood when we used to have it all the time. Afterwards I did a 40 minute bike ride in the cinema room at the gym whilst watching Interview with a Vampire, and then had a fairly quiet evening.

On Friday I did a Body Combat class again which was fun, and then was told that I wasn't needed to pick Aum up, so spent the afternoon catching up with some reading and blogging. Mo came round in the evening, and we had pork meatballs with vegetable risotto for tea, and then had a few drinks and chilled out. We went out for lunch at Gastronomy on Saturday, which was really nice, I had a ham and cheese panini with chips, and Mo got a chorizo and cheese omelette. The weather was gorgeous so we sat in the garden for a while when we got back soaking up the rays, and then I got a lift to the airport to catch a train to Northampton to visit Geoff and see Timna.

I started on the gin as soon as I arrived, which coupled with a lack of any tea meant that I got ridiculously drunk and only just made it out of the taxi into town before falling over, so it was decided we would go back home. At least it was a cheap night! Today I journeyed home feeling very tired and sorry for myself, and then Mo came round for a Sunday roast and to officially 'meet the parents' haha. It went well, but I am so tired I will be glad when I can just collapse into bed!

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