Sunday 31 March 2013

Weekly Update!

Shopping, Pizza Hut & Bank Holiday Drinking!

This was my first of two weeks off, beginning with me returning from Paris on Monday, and not doing much all day except unpacking and having Mo round for tea in the evening. On Tuesday I went into Manchester with Abi shopping, and I had the microdermal on my navel redone, which hurt! We went for lunch afterwards at a cute place in the Northern Quarter called Teacup on Thomas Street, although we both just opted for cake in the end. I had a pistachio sponge which had green icing with white polka dots down the side and a cute flower in the top, while Abi chose the multicoloured Battenburg, which was amazing to look at, even if it was far to sickly to finish a whole piece!

Afterwards we wandered around the shops, and I tried on a few potential dresses for Laura's wedding, although I bought nothing except for some makeup sponges - very boring. At least it saves my money though! We had some wine at Selfridges as a bit of a break at 3pm, and came home quite late at 7pm. That evening Mo came round again and we had this nice chicken in cheese and leek sauce for tea and just collapsed in front of the TV, so nice having a free house!

On Wednesday I did my full triathlon cycle in an hour which I was really chuffed with, and then in the evening I went to Pizza Hut for tea with Emily, Smeed, MC and Mo. I shared a bottle of wine and had a barbecue chicken and bacon pizza, and all mains now come with a free salad buffet, so I properly gorged out!

On Thursday a group of us went to Liverpool for a night out (see previous post) and on the Friday Mo brought us home from the station mid afternoon. Jasmine came back from uni for Easter (after a very traumatic experience when the car her and Laura were driving in broke down on the fast lane of the motorway!) and Lydia popped round for a catch up, so it was a sociable day! That evening Mo and I went into town to meet Lydia and her friends Lisa and Connor at Dukes 92. I love the place, and we had a few drinks before moving onto Liars Club, where the night got very hazy!

Saturday was spent in various degrees of hungover, and when I finally got up at 6pm (!) I had some food, got ready and went out for a couple of drinks at Bloom with Tasha, Abi and Lyd. I drove as was not in the mood to drink again, and had a cocktail without the alcohol which was really nice, and made a change from drinking coke. Today Jas and I found our Easter eggs hidden in the garage, so had lots of chocolate and chilled out chatting until 4pm when Mo came round and we went for a walk in Dunham. It was a bit chilly, but nice to get out of the house, and when we got back we made a nice buffet tea for the three of us and watched The Other Guys, which was pretty funny. The week has gone far too quickly, but at least I've packed quite a lot in.

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