Sunday 10 March 2013

Weekly Update! (part 1)

Summer Days, Patisseries and Primark!

This week has been a busy one, and because of this I've decided to split it up into two parts (also because I am lacking something to write about next week!). Monday was quite quiet, but on Tuesday I went to the gym and then for lunch at Abi's. She made us a lovely salad with avocado, emmental and peppers, and then we had some of her homemade summer berry New York cheesecake for dessert. It was a gorgeous day so we sat outside to eat; it felt like summer! 

In the evening I went to the Country Club for dinner and had the prawn crunch roll, which was incredible, and really filling. It was a bit of a mad rush after work to get ready for the Bastille gig I went to with Lydia and Lizzie, but I managed to sneak a quick meet up with Mo in whilst I was in town so he could have a break from working late. I met the girls afterwards and had a quick drink with them in Font before we headed to the venue, the gig was awesome!

On Wednesday I wrote an article on the gig for Candid, and then went for lunch with Emily in Altrincham and we had a wander around the shops. We ate in a new cafe called The Fab Patisserie that has opened on The Downs, where I had a pesto and mozzerella toastie and we shared a rainbow cupcake and a pot of tea. The food was nice and it was very reasonably priced, but it was a bit thrown together (empty shelves, bad paint jobs, cardboard price labels etc) so I don't think it will be competing with the likes of Hale for a tea room!

That evening Abi and I went to see a band called Tokolosh at Soup Kitchen in the Northern Quarter; I had been given free tickets, and they were really good. We both said we'd be interested in going to Soup Kitchen for a night out after going there for a gig as well. 

On Thursday I did a monster cycle in the morning, then met Mo for lunch in Manchester. We went to a place on Oxford Road called Alibi, where I had a really tasty jacket potato that was filled with chicken and bacon in a creamy barbecue sauce. I went to Primark quickly afterwards to pick up a few bits, including some really nice quilted studded pumps for £10! After I had got Aum from school I went for a coffee with Abi at the Country Club whilst he had his boxing lesson which was nice. On Friday I did my usual Body Combat class and then in the evening I dyed my hair, had a lovely red Thai curry for tea and then Mo came round. (see next post for continuation). 

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