Friday 29 March 2013

Traveller's Tales


Yesterday, a group of us went to Liverpool for a night out with a bit of a change of scenery. Abi and I got a train from Manchester at 2pm (lucky for us it was delayed, as we'd have missed it otherwise!) and we walked to the hotel we were in to check in and dump our bags. We walked to the wrong Travellodge to begin with, but luckily ours was only around the corner!

We had a quick cup of tea and then went out for a wander around the shops. There wasn't much to see, and we'd only been shopping in Manchester a couple of days before so didn't need anything, so after a while we gave up and headed towards Wagamama for some tea. We had a nice glass of wine and shared some duck gyozas (that were free as they were so late arriving) and then I had the chicken and prawn pad thai, a new addition to the menu that was very much appreciated!

Afterwards we went to an off license to buy some wine, and then went back to the room to start getting ready and crack open the booze! Emily and Natasha didn't arrive until half nine,  so they got ready speedily and we finished our drinks and headed out at just gone eleven. We went out on Seel Street, starting in a bar called Aloha, that was downstairs and Tiki themed. We had as couple of cocktails and a dance before moving on.

Emily and Abi went to another bar called Saltdog Slims whilst Tasha and I went to a cash machine, but by the time we got there the queue was huge, so we moved onto the final place, Heebie Jeebies, and the other two met us in the queue once they had finished their drinks. Drinks weren't that cheap, but it was fun and the music was decent, and two of the boys I went to Benicassim with were out that night, so they came to meet us in there which was cool. Unfortunately we then realised that Abi had had her phone stolen, so her and Tasha went off on a wild goose chase to find it, and we all met up later back at the hotel.

This morning we were all feeling the after-effects, and so once we had checked out we went for breakfast at a place next door to the hotel called New York Diner. I had a bagel with mushrooms, bacon, cheese and scrambled eggs, which went down a treat and sorted me out in time for us to get the train home at 2pm. A fun adventure!

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