Saturday 25 January 2014

Flat Part 3!

Move In Day! 

It seems like I have written so many posts about the interior of my flat, so I was surprised upon checking that this is only the third instalment. With every week it becomes more and more my own, and looks increasingly lived in and homely as each day passes. I hammered the first thing into the wall this week - a lime green stag's head that I have named Morris! So much is left to be done that it will be strange when the time comes that I can sit and enjoy the place without feeling guilty about what job needs doing, or what piece of furniture needs constructing!

Today has been my official move in day, which I have had written on the calendar since Christmas, and was hoping to be when everything was completed (my housewarming is in two weeks time, so I thought it was realistic as then I'd have time to tweak things). Unfortunately due to my wardrobes arriving damaged, my bedroom is still pretty much an empty shell, although I got Mo to put together the screen that I am going to have in front of my windows as they are full length - for £23 I was pretty impressed with it!

It is nice to have one aspect in place, so I can visualise where everything else will go in time.

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