Sunday 5 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Nibbles, Fridges & Painting!

I thought this week would be a nicely chilled one after the hectic Christmas week - but to be honest, I have been just as busy! On Monday I went round to Srishti's with Tash and Emily as she was home for a week over the festive period. It was lovely to catch up, as with her living in London we don't get to see her very often. Afterwards I stayed at the flat with Mo as my fridge was being delivered early the next day.

We had lunch at The Flying Horse (my local) on New Year's Eve, as Mo and I were going to separate parties so wanted to spend a bit of time together. I had these batons that were basically chicken and bacon wrapped into thin tubes with tortillas, then deep fried. They were so tasty and only £3.50! Mo had a burger, but for a cheap pub it came in a brioche bun and looked like a decent meal, will be eating there more often!

I spent NYE at my friend Luke's party (see previous post) and the next day very hungover! I went to Mo's in the evening as he has broken his hand in a motorbike accident (!) and on Thursday went shopping for a few housey things with Emily - I got some awesome Marmite cushions, a mosaic light fitting for my living room, and a doormat.

Friday was quiet, and in the evening I went for a few drinks at Mo's local in Rusholme called the Ford Madox Brown, which is a Wetherspoons. It is cheap and cheerful, and quite nice inside so was good to get out of the house for a bit. We spent Saturday painting my bedroom, and then I went out in the evening for a meal at Dee Thai (see previous post) followed by a night in Piccolino's and Suburbia. We rented a table in the latter, which cost us £15 each and included a bottle of vodka and mixers, not bad when entry is normally a tenner anyway!

Today I have just been for a meal in Francs with Jasmine and my parents (see next week's post) and I am now chilling out at Mo's in preparation for my first day back at work tomorrow. Time off has gone so quickly, but it's been a lovely festive period, probably one of the best so far!

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