Sunday 19 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Another Chinese & The 'Pool

This week has been a pretty quiet one, I spent most of the week doing flat stuff and working out, though on Wednesday Abi and Hannah came round to see all the progress which was nice. On Thursday I went for a coffee in Caffe Nero in Sale with Rick, and then had my nails done - I had to adventure out of my comfort zone and try a new salon as mine was fully booked, but they did a really good job, and it was only slightly more expensive.

On Friday I invited Emily, Smeed, James and Kelly round to the flat for a Chinese and some drinks.It was my first time entertaining properly there, and I made my new table especially (it was very challenging to put together - it took Mum and I 2 hours!). We were going to play some games, but ended up just chatting which was just as fun. I drank an awful lot so felt horrendous on Saturday, which wasn't ideal as we had a trip to Liverpool that had been planned for ages to go to. I pulled myself together and went and had a great time, even though I couldn't face a huge amount of booze for a change!

Today has been spent mooching around in Liverpool; we went for breakfast, although I had a jacket potato with cheese and beans, so not very breakfasty. I am now chilling out at Mo's as usual feeling tired and hungover, and wishing I had another weekend before work tomorrow!

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