Friday 31 January 2014

Flat Part 4!

The Grouter Returns!

This week Benn finally grouted my tiles after a month long hiatus, and they look amazing now! Crazy how much of a difference it makes. Because the flooring was done it meant I could actually put all the furniture and towels into the bathroom and and they could stay there - it is nice to have one room completely finished!

Apart from that not much has changed, although I did go against plans and make my bed before the wardrobes were done, purely as I was sick of sleeping on the floor. My lovely wrought iron bed was a steal at £155 from an online bed store, including delivery. I am lucky enough that my grandparents have given me a memory foam mattress worth over £1000 because it was too hard for them - definitely hit the jackpot there! 

The duvet cover and pillows are currently some I already had from my university days that have been collecting dust since I only had a single bed at my parents, but I have bought a couple of new ones that are en route. The cushions were £5 each in the Matalan sale. I will put up photos in due course

when the bedding arrives!

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