Monday 6 January 2014

New Tastes...

Francs, Altrincham

Technically this isn't a 'New Taste' as suggested, due to this being the third time I have written about Francs on here, but as it's the name I use for all my other restaurant posts, I'm not changing now!

Yesterday's trip was a late celebration of my mum's birthday, which due to being on Boxing Day, often gets side-stepped to make way for Christmas. It was my last day off after a two week break, so it was nice to have something to look forward to, rather than just getting depressed at the imminence of work tomorrow.

Whenever we go to Francs we always go at a time when we can take advantage of their terrific Bon Marche deal; a set menu served all evenings, or until 7.30pm on a Friday and Saturday. It means you can get two courses for £15, although quite often we are naughty and get all three, for an extra £2.

This time I had mushroom risotto to start, as the cheesy mushroom dish that I usually get had run out, and to say it was a starter, it was huge! I followed this with grilled salmon with beurre blanc and rice. In our family though, you never end up just with your own dish! I also managed to sample the platter of pates (the homemade chicken version was divine), and the Toulouse sausage that came as starters, as well as roast beef served with all the trimmings, and leg of lamb with roast potatoes and a red wine jus. All were delicious, but I was very satisfied with my choices.

To round it all off, Jasmine and I had desserts of white chocolate torte with mixed berries and pistachio ice cream, and creme brulee - great end to a lovely French meal! Mum and Dad had wine, and we both had two soft drinks each, and it came to £86, which really isn't bad for the quality of food we were served, and the waiter service is always very friendly and welcoming. I really would recommend trying it if you are in the area.

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