Sunday 19 January 2014

Travellers' Tales...


Yesterday, Mo and I journeyed to Liverpool for our friend Mel's birthday night out. As I was really hungover, we didn't arrive until about 7pm, but it was before people had begun to get ready or predrink so it was fine! We all stayed in the Embassy Backpackers Hostel in Faulkner Square, which is right near the centre, and only cost us £21 each with free parking. As there was a large group of us, we requested a four person and a ten person room, so we didn't need to share bedrooms with strangers which was good.

Downstairs was a huge games room with a pool table, computers and a TV with Sky, and as we were the only people down there it was like a personal party! We had some prosecco and a few games of pool before heading out at 10pm. 

The first place we went to was a Japanese fusion restaurant called Host, as one of the girls had a brother that worked there. We had some tasty cocktails on the house (I had a raspberry margarita - I could have drunk it all night!) and then we went to a bar called Hannah's that played some funky 80s music which was fun. I had a French Martini in there, and then we went to Bar Ca Va, a place well known in the area as it does lots of flavours of tequila, ranging from mango and cherry to chilli and baked bean! We had each put in £25 for the room, so all the rest went on shots, the blackcurrant one tasted like cordial so it is probably for the best that we only stayed for ten minutes!

After that we went to an old fashioned pub that was pretty scummy, but it did quadruple vodkas and was really cheap (you can't have everything I guess!). We stayed there for quite a long time as it wasn't too crowded and was quiet enough to chat to people which was nice. Finally we moved onto Krazyhouse, which is £5 to get in and has multiple floors with different music playing, so it keeps everyone happy. Unfortunately for me as the least drunk (I was still suffering from the night before!) and with no cash at a place that didn't take card, most people wanted to stay on the floor that was mainly old school rock, which much as I love from back in the day, I do find I have to be intoxicated to dance to it now! It was still a fun night, but by 2am I was dead on my feet and needed cheesy chips and my bed. Luckily others wanted the same so I wasn't seen as too much of a party pooper!

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