Sunday 26 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Spider Rolls, Move In Day & Eton Mess!

This will be a seriously short post, and one with few pictures, due to my ridiculously boring week. I swear there must be some kind of rule that states that when you buy a flat, it must take over all your spare time, leaving you too tired and stressed to plan anything to enjoy your weekends!

I ate at the Country Club on Tuesday, and had the Spider roll - black sesame reverse roll with tempura soft shell crab and wasabi aioli. I'm loving this new sushi menu, it is literally the tastiest sushi I have ever eaten, including Australasia in town which is a very classy and expensive establishment!

On Wednesday I saw Mo, and then I babysat on Thursday and Friday - thinking of the money to make the time go quickly!

Yesterday was my moving in day, which went much more smoothly and quickly than I anticipated. I managed to squeeze in a spot of shopping with mum at a retail park near me, and also did a mammoth first food shop with Mo. I then had a slight rush to get ready for a party we were going to in Castlefield, but luckily we weren't headed out anywhere so it didn't matter that it was 9.30pm by the time we arrived!

Today I had Lydia round for some lunch, we just had soup and bagels but it was lovely to see her, and then Tasha joined us later on for a natter. I have just got back to Mo's after eating dinner at my parents house - we had beef bourguinon with black forest Eton mess (meringue, chocolate sauce, ginger nut biscuits, black cherry yoghurt and mixed berries) for dessert; definitely making more of an effort now I'm no longer a tenant!

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