Friday 31 January 2014

Flat Part 4!

The Grouter Returns!

This week Benn finally grouted my tiles after a month long hiatus, and they look amazing now! Crazy how much of a difference it makes. Because the flooring was done it meant I could actually put all the furniture and towels into the bathroom and and they could stay there - it is nice to have one room completely finished!

Apart from that not much has changed, although I did go against plans and make my bed before the wardrobes were done, purely as I was sick of sleeping on the floor. My lovely wrought iron bed was a steal at £155 from an online bed store, including delivery. I am lucky enough that my grandparents have given me a memory foam mattress worth over £1000 because it was too hard for them - definitely hit the jackpot there! 

The duvet cover and pillows are currently some I already had from my university days that have been collecting dust since I only had a single bed at my parents, but I have bought a couple of new ones that are en route. The cushions were £5 each in the Matalan sale. I will put up photos in due course

when the bedding arrives!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Spider Rolls, Move In Day & Eton Mess!

This will be a seriously short post, and one with few pictures, due to my ridiculously boring week. I swear there must be some kind of rule that states that when you buy a flat, it must take over all your spare time, leaving you too tired and stressed to plan anything to enjoy your weekends!

I ate at the Country Club on Tuesday, and had the Spider roll - black sesame reverse roll with tempura soft shell crab and wasabi aioli. I'm loving this new sushi menu, it is literally the tastiest sushi I have ever eaten, including Australasia in town which is a very classy and expensive establishment!

On Wednesday I saw Mo, and then I babysat on Thursday and Friday - thinking of the money to make the time go quickly!

Yesterday was my moving in day, which went much more smoothly and quickly than I anticipated. I managed to squeeze in a spot of shopping with mum at a retail park near me, and also did a mammoth first food shop with Mo. I then had a slight rush to get ready for a party we were going to in Castlefield, but luckily we weren't headed out anywhere so it didn't matter that it was 9.30pm by the time we arrived!

Today I had Lydia round for some lunch, we just had soup and bagels but it was lovely to see her, and then Tasha joined us later on for a natter. I have just got back to Mo's after eating dinner at my parents house - we had beef bourguinon with black forest Eton mess (meringue, chocolate sauce, ginger nut biscuits, black cherry yoghurt and mixed berries) for dessert; definitely making more of an effort now I'm no longer a tenant!

Saturday 25 January 2014

Flat Part 3!

Move In Day! 

It seems like I have written so many posts about the interior of my flat, so I was surprised upon checking that this is only the third instalment. With every week it becomes more and more my own, and looks increasingly lived in and homely as each day passes. I hammered the first thing into the wall this week - a lime green stag's head that I have named Morris! So much is left to be done that it will be strange when the time comes that I can sit and enjoy the place without feeling guilty about what job needs doing, or what piece of furniture needs constructing!

Today has been my official move in day, which I have had written on the calendar since Christmas, and was hoping to be when everything was completed (my housewarming is in two weeks time, so I thought it was realistic as then I'd have time to tweak things). Unfortunately due to my wardrobes arriving damaged, my bedroom is still pretty much an empty shell, although I got Mo to put together the screen that I am going to have in front of my windows as they are full length - for £23 I was pretty impressed with it!

It is nice to have one aspect in place, so I can visualise where everything else will go in time.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Days Out...

Ikea, Ashton-Under-Lyne

Last night after work, I headed to Ikea with my mum to pick up a few bits for the flat. I managed to eventually get the table for my TV to stand on, and some dark wicker baskets to go underneath for some storage. I also picked up the unit that I intend to stand in the hall, it looks pretty funky and fits around my alarm system and light switch, and I can display some pictures/ candles etc on it.

I got a few other things, a couple of kitchen utensils, some placemats, coathangers (that are actually too big for my wardrobe I have now discovered!) and somehow managed to spend £175!! I swear Ikea will be my reason for bankrupcy.

After we had finished shopping we decided to get some food in the restaurant, as it was quite late and we were both pretty hungry. I paid as a thankyou for mum coming with me, and we got the meatballs (of course). We got a large portion between us, as it has twenty meatballs, with sauce and mashed potato, who could eat that much by themselves beats me.

We went back home via the flat to drop things off and were home by 9pm, not too bad!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Another Chinese & The 'Pool

This week has been a pretty quiet one, I spent most of the week doing flat stuff and working out, though on Wednesday Abi and Hannah came round to see all the progress which was nice. On Thursday I went for a coffee in Caffe Nero in Sale with Rick, and then had my nails done - I had to adventure out of my comfort zone and try a new salon as mine was fully booked, but they did a really good job, and it was only slightly more expensive.

On Friday I invited Emily, Smeed, James and Kelly round to the flat for a Chinese and some drinks.It was my first time entertaining properly there, and I made my new table especially (it was very challenging to put together - it took Mum and I 2 hours!). We were going to play some games, but ended up just chatting which was just as fun. I drank an awful lot so felt horrendous on Saturday, which wasn't ideal as we had a trip to Liverpool that had been planned for ages to go to. I pulled myself together and went and had a great time, even though I couldn't face a huge amount of booze for a change!

Today has been spent mooching around in Liverpool; we went for breakfast, although I had a jacket potato with cheese and beans, so not very breakfasty. I am now chilling out at Mo's as usual feeling tired and hungover, and wishing I had another weekend before work tomorrow!

Travellers' Tales...


Yesterday, Mo and I journeyed to Liverpool for our friend Mel's birthday night out. As I was really hungover, we didn't arrive until about 7pm, but it was before people had begun to get ready or predrink so it was fine! We all stayed in the Embassy Backpackers Hostel in Faulkner Square, which is right near the centre, and only cost us £21 each with free parking. As there was a large group of us, we requested a four person and a ten person room, so we didn't need to share bedrooms with strangers which was good.

Downstairs was a huge games room with a pool table, computers and a TV with Sky, and as we were the only people down there it was like a personal party! We had some prosecco and a few games of pool before heading out at 10pm. 

The first place we went to was a Japanese fusion restaurant called Host, as one of the girls had a brother that worked there. We had some tasty cocktails on the house (I had a raspberry margarita - I could have drunk it all night!) and then we went to a bar called Hannah's that played some funky 80s music which was fun. I had a French Martini in there, and then we went to Bar Ca Va, a place well known in the area as it does lots of flavours of tequila, ranging from mango and cherry to chilli and baked bean! We had each put in £25 for the room, so all the rest went on shots, the blackcurrant one tasted like cordial so it is probably for the best that we only stayed for ten minutes!

After that we went to an old fashioned pub that was pretty scummy, but it did quadruple vodkas and was really cheap (you can't have everything I guess!). We stayed there for quite a long time as it wasn't too crowded and was quiet enough to chat to people which was nice. Finally we moved onto Krazyhouse, which is £5 to get in and has multiple floors with different music playing, so it keeps everyone happy. Unfortunately for me as the least drunk (I was still suffering from the night before!) and with no cash at a place that didn't take card, most people wanted to stay on the floor that was mainly old school rock, which much as I love from back in the day, I do find I have to be intoxicated to dance to it now! It was still a fun night, but by 2am I was dead on my feet and needed cheesy chips and my bed. Luckily others wanted the same so I wasn't seen as too much of a party pooper!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Flat Part 2!

Getting There!

This week has been the most progress I've made at the flat so far, so I thought I'd do another self indulgent post on what's been happening, accompanied with pictures.

My living room is basically finished now, I have a TV (Toshiba 32in Smart TV, £249 in the Tesco sale) albeit on a cardboard box as the table I want is out of stock, an extendable glass dining table (£150, Ikea) that is very swish, some champagne coloured curtains (£28, Wilko) that need a good iron, and four clear perspex dining chairs, that I got off eBay for £82 - full price in Ikea where I was looking at them, the same ones would have cost me £260! I have a microwave (£40 in Asda sale), fridge (housewarming gift off my parents) and all the usual kitchen gadgetry that make it look a lot more homely now.

Although my bathroom floors still need grouting, I put a shelving unit out of my bedroom at home in there (it is meant as a bathroom cabinet, from Ikea) so that I could display my towels and toiletries for when I had guests, that match a grey and orange colour scheme, and hung a black Gothic mirror (£25, Ikea) in there - very me. I also got French themed bathroom accessories from Asda (£3-£7) and hung my underwater pinup girl pictures that I bought from Society6 (approx £18.50 each including a glass clip frame from Wilko).

In the hallway I put up some lamp shades (£12 each, Wilko) although we had trouble with one, as it was too long so kept hitting the bathroom door when you opened it! Little has been done in the bedrooms, as they are next week's project, so I will no doubt be back in 7 days with an update again!

Sunday 12 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Gymming & Gluttony!

This was my first week back at work - and it's actually been surprisingly OK! It's forced me back into the gym which I needed after a gluttonous Christmas, and with a restricted time scale to get flat stuff done, I've been pretty proactive. This week I've ordered wardrobes, put all my curtains up and finished the first coat of paint, I'm getting there!

I babysat on Wednesday evening and today during the day, and as I knew it was going to eat into one of my days off, I had a chilled weekend. On Friday Mo and I went back to the Ford Madox Brown for drinks ( we were there on Wednesday as well - we'll be regulars soon!) and yesterday my grandparents came for the day so I spent some time with them and my auntie and cousins. 

In the evening I went back to my flat and got a takeaway with Mo and we watched lots of Breaking Bad. We just sampled Oriental House, my now local Chinese, and I had a mixed starter (spring rolls, sea weed, satay chicken, beef roll, prawn wonton and a crab dumpling) followed by a king prawn chow mein - the portions were so big, I'd have been fine with just the starter. For the two of us with starters and mains it was only £21 as well, which could be dangerous! We followed savoury with some chocolate puddings by Gu which were super tasty, and only 89p as they were reduced.

I have just got back now from watching the latest Hobbit film in 3D with Mo and Jasmine, which I really enjoyed, but now it's time for bed!

Winter Views...

The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

I have just returned from watching the latest instalment in The Hobbit series, The Desolation Of Smaug. We went to a 3D showing at Altrincham cinema. Usually I am not that bothered about seeing films in 3D, but this seemed like a good opportunity to put it to the test and see if it really makes a difference.

I enjoyed the first film in the series of three, but having read the book, I couldn't help but feel it was being milked to make it span out for three long films, so didn't really have high hopes. However, I actually thought The Desolation Of Smaug was better than the first film, in that it wasn't quite so descriptive, and had more action in it.

It picks up where the first finished, when the group of dwarves, Bilbo Baggins, and Gandalf are hiding from a group of Uruk-Hai. They pass through the Mirkwood, an elven territory, and then on to Esgaroth, a city inhabited by men. They are smuggled into the city by Bard, a man who we later discover is a descendant of the last ruler of Dale, and owns a black arrow with the power to kill Smaug, the dragon who guards the Arkenstone (that is needed by Thorin to rule the dwarves once more). The film ends when an attempt to kill Smaug by drowning him in molten gold fails, and he is unleashed upon the city, much to Bilbo's horror.

As a die-hard fan of Orlando Bloom since the first Lord Of The Rings came out, it was always going to be a welcome sign when he made an appearance in this film. I also really warmed to the first major female role that was introduced, Tauriel, played by Evangeline Lilly as though she is an elf; a species notorious for being unemotional and cold, she showed a certain humanistic quality, taking a shining to Kili, one of the dwarves, and aiding in his rescue when he is struck with a poison arrow. For fans of the book though, her character has been added by director Peter Jackson, and as such seems a bit of an add on - indeed, the whole escapade into Mirkwood is played upon to add light relief and a bit of humour I felt. 

Esgaroth is a beautiful city visually, and especially in 3D I loved the scenes where wide shots of it were shown. The fight scenes were more realistic, and a few fun extras were added in for the benefit of the 3D experience, which I enjoyed. Overall worth watching, but I am hoping the third film is the best of the bunch.

Monday 6 January 2014

New Tastes...

Francs, Altrincham

Technically this isn't a 'New Taste' as suggested, due to this being the third time I have written about Francs on here, but as it's the name I use for all my other restaurant posts, I'm not changing now!

Yesterday's trip was a late celebration of my mum's birthday, which due to being on Boxing Day, often gets side-stepped to make way for Christmas. It was my last day off after a two week break, so it was nice to have something to look forward to, rather than just getting depressed at the imminence of work tomorrow.

Whenever we go to Francs we always go at a time when we can take advantage of their terrific Bon Marche deal; a set menu served all evenings, or until 7.30pm on a Friday and Saturday. It means you can get two courses for £15, although quite often we are naughty and get all three, for an extra £2.

This time I had mushroom risotto to start, as the cheesy mushroom dish that I usually get had run out, and to say it was a starter, it was huge! I followed this with grilled salmon with beurre blanc and rice. In our family though, you never end up just with your own dish! I also managed to sample the platter of pates (the homemade chicken version was divine), and the Toulouse sausage that came as starters, as well as roast beef served with all the trimmings, and leg of lamb with roast potatoes and a red wine jus. All were delicious, but I was very satisfied with my choices.

To round it all off, Jasmine and I had desserts of white chocolate torte with mixed berries and pistachio ice cream, and creme brulee - great end to a lovely French meal! Mum and Dad had wine, and we both had two soft drinks each, and it came to £86, which really isn't bad for the quality of food we were served, and the waiter service is always very friendly and welcoming. I really would recommend trying it if you are in the area.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Weekly Update!

Nibbles, Fridges & Painting!

I thought this week would be a nicely chilled one after the hectic Christmas week - but to be honest, I have been just as busy! On Monday I went round to Srishti's with Tash and Emily as she was home for a week over the festive period. It was lovely to catch up, as with her living in London we don't get to see her very often. Afterwards I stayed at the flat with Mo as my fridge was being delivered early the next day.

We had lunch at The Flying Horse (my local) on New Year's Eve, as Mo and I were going to separate parties so wanted to spend a bit of time together. I had these batons that were basically chicken and bacon wrapped into thin tubes with tortillas, then deep fried. They were so tasty and only £3.50! Mo had a burger, but for a cheap pub it came in a brioche bun and looked like a decent meal, will be eating there more often!

I spent NYE at my friend Luke's party (see previous post) and the next day very hungover! I went to Mo's in the evening as he has broken his hand in a motorbike accident (!) and on Thursday went shopping for a few housey things with Emily - I got some awesome Marmite cushions, a mosaic light fitting for my living room, and a doormat.

Friday was quiet, and in the evening I went for a few drinks at Mo's local in Rusholme called the Ford Madox Brown, which is a Wetherspoons. It is cheap and cheerful, and quite nice inside so was good to get out of the house for a bit. We spent Saturday painting my bedroom, and then I went out in the evening for a meal at Dee Thai (see previous post) followed by a night in Piccolino's and Suburbia. We rented a table in the latter, which cost us £15 each and included a bottle of vodka and mixers, not bad when entry is normally a tenner anyway!

Today I have just been for a meal in Francs with Jasmine and my parents (see next week's post) and I am now chilling out at Mo's in preparation for my first day back at work tomorrow. Time off has gone so quickly, but it's been a lovely festive period, probably one of the best so far!

New Tastes...

Dee Thai, Hale

Last night I went out with Emily, Tasha, Smeed, Lydia and her boyfriend Rob for a meal at Dee Thai in Hale. I have only ever eaten there once when I was 17, and the Khurana's eat there nearly every week, so I always hear amazing things about it, and was looking forward to sampling some lovely Thai food.

I had quite a late lunch so wasn't super hungry, so Tasha and I agreed to get a starter each but share a main course, which suited me fine. I got duck spring rolls, which were the best I have ever had - the duck was fresh and juicy (I am usually not a huge fan of duck as it is often dry) nicely packed with cucumber and left open at the top. The rolls were large so easy to eat with fingers, and served with a gorgeous dipping sauce, I think it was a variation on Hoi Sin. Tasha got prawn toast, so we shared a bit of each others as well. Lydia and Rob shared a mixed starter which looked very fancy, displayed on a platter with things sticking up from the plate! Emily and Smeed got some prawn crackers and chilli beef.

The starter portion sizes were perfect for what we were doing, as they were quite large, yet our main was moderate if a bit on the small side so with rice to share it was ideal. I would say if two are eating and not getting starters, a full main and rice/ noodles etc would be required each for a decent meal. 

For our main, we got tamarind king prawn, which had huge prawns in, although there were only six between us so it's a good job they were big! The rice was a good size, and there was plenty of sauce to pour over it. It is a dish I haven't tried before, but was quite sweet and salty, which I was surprised to find I liked, and I would order it again.

Between five of us we had three bottles of wine (a Riesling, which complimented the Thai flavours really well) and with a tip mine and Tasha's share came to £30 each which I didn't think was too bad, as it is an upper end of the market kind of restaurant. I hope it isn't another six years until I return!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Years Eve!

Lancashire, 2013

I am writing this incredibly hungover, as I have been all day, and suspect I will be tomorrow as well! Last night was so much fun though, feeling this awful is well worth it. 

I went to a party in Lancashire hosted by my friend Luke, who I met whilst skiing with Lydia last year (he was one of our reps). He lives in a gorgeous stone farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, which was perfect as a venue, and it was a black tie affair, so everyone looked their best. 

As well as Lydia, Abi, Tasha and Srishti came as well, and it was really nice to spend it with the girls. We arrived at about 8pm, just as a beautiful pork roast was served with stuffing and apple sauce to make hog roast sandwiches - perfect to line the stomach!

There was a huge Christmas tree in the entrance hallway, which created a great backdrop for some festive group photos. I wore an olive green dress that is pretty revealing, it had plenty of tape to secure me in!

The prosecco flowed (a bit too freely!) all night, and I commandeered the stereo with my iPod, which seemed to get a good reception. I remember midnight which is a good sign, but it went downhill from there! We danced and chatted to all the other guests - it was great to get to know some new faces - until I had to be put to bed at 4am after a struggle to remove my laced up shoes!